Liked It: 117705 votes
David Lynch
Duration: 2H 17minutes
Star: Virginia Madsen
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Obviously, Frank Herbert's novel "Dune" is acknowledged as a genre masterpiece and there will be people who are great fans of the book who CAN make sense of this huge-scale film adaptation. I have never read the book so my review is solely based upon the film. And unfortunately I must report that the film is terrible. Perhaps lovers of the book will tell me that transferring it to the screen was a staggeringly difficult task, and that director David Lynch should be applauded for at least attempting it. But in truth, if you come to this film with little or no knowledge of the source material, you will be left confused and frustrated by what is on offer. Sorry, but any film-maker intent on bringing a long and complex cult book to the screen should at least try to make the film accessible to all viewers. Peter Jackson did it a couple of decades later with his "Lord Of The Rings" films; here, Lynch simply alienates members of the audience who are NOT disciples of the book. His screenplay is muddled and very confusingly structured, and as a director he fails to coax decent performances from most of his astonishing cast.
Dune is a nickname given to the planet Arrakis, a sand-covered wilderness which is the only planet in the universe where a priceless spice can be found. The spice, when harvested, enables people to travel through space and time. The planet is guarded by gigantic worm-like monsters which burrow through the sand and devour everything in their path. At the start of the story, the year is 10,191 and the universe is under the control of Emperor Shaddam IV (Jose Ferrer. Another royal family, the Atreides clan (father Leto, mother Jessica and son Paul - played respectively by Jurgen Prochnow, Francesca Annis and Kyle MacLachlan) travel to Arrakis where they learn they have been lured into a trap by their enemies. Paul and Jessica escape into the desert where they discover a huge tribe of native warriors living in the caves. The warriors believe in a long-foretold prophecy that one day a messiah will come and lead them to power. and young Paul turns out to be that very man.
The plot in synopsis-form sounds imaginative and pretty serviceable, but Lynch gets bogged down in the impossible task of setting into motion various story threads that will brings the parts together. An abundance of characters are thrust into the mix - many of them played by very fine actors - but few are introduced meaningfully. The dialogue is riddled with baffling references (presumably, if you've read the book you'll get the references) which rapidly lose the viewer. Furthermore, there is evidence that Lynch realised somewhere along the line how incoherent his story was, as many of the characters provide whispered voice-overs to convey their thoughts. While these voice-overs help - slightly. with the audience's comprehension of what the hell is going on, it seems a clumsy and unwieldy device, probably added belatedly when the film's makers finally acknowledged what a muddled film they'd made. Some of the special effects are quite innovative, and (in isolation) certain sequences are spectacular and highly imaginative, but when viewed as a whole Dune is an utter mess of a movie. and truly deserves its label as one of cinema's most heavily-criticised debacles.
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